About the policy:
The package cover offers protection against loss/damage to the building and its contents.What's covered?
- Broad Coverage
- Expansive Customization
- Low-Cost Insurance
- Time Saving
Shopkeeper Insurance
The package cover offers protection against loss/damage to the building and its contents.
- Building and Contents Fire
- Lightning
- Acts of God
- Riot Strike and Malicious Damage
- Impact Damage
- Explosion of Gas in Domestic Appliances
- Overflow of Water Tanks
- Burglary House Breaking and Theft.
- Money in Transit Loss Due to Accident or Misfortune
- Money in Transit
- Pedal Cycles
- Plate Glass
- Neon Sign & Glow Sign
- Baggage While on Travel
- Accidental Injury Causing Death/Disability
Householder Insurance
This policy protects homeowners against damage and losses that affect their property and belongings.
Coverage- Building and Contents Fire, Lightning, Acts of God, Riot and Strike Impact, Explosion of Gas in Domestic Appliances and Overflow of Water Tanks.
- Burglary House Breaking and Theft.
- Jewellery and Valuables - Any Accidental Loss/Damage
- Plate Glass - Any Accidental Loss/Damage
- Baggage - While Travelling - Any Accidental Loss/Damage
- Domestic Appliances Any Accidental Loss/Damage Entirely Due to Electrical/Mechanical Breakdown.
- TV / Audio System
- Pedal Cycle
- Personal Accident
- Accidental Injury Causing Death/Disablement [Total/Partial]
Shopkeeper Insurance
Who can be insured?Any small shopkeeper exposed to one or more of the mentioned contingencies.
Householder Insurance
Who can be insured?Any householder exposed to any of the contingencies.