About the policy:

The package cover offers protection against loss/damage to the building and its contents.

What's covered?

  • Broad Coverage
  • Expansive Customization
  • Low-Cost Insurance
  • Time Saving

Shopkeeper Insurance

The package cover offers protection against loss/damage to the building and its contents.

  • Building and Contents Fire
  • Lightning
  • Acts of God
  • Riot Strike and Malicious Damage
  • Impact Damage
  • Explosion of Gas in Domestic Appliances
  • Overflow of Water Tanks
  • Burglary House Breaking and Theft.
  • Money in Transit Loss Due to Accident or Misfortune
  • Money in Transit
  • Pedal Cycles
  • Plate Glass
  • Neon Sign & Glow Sign
  • Baggage While on Travel
  • Accidental Injury Causing Death/Disability

Householder Insurance

This policy protects homeowners against damage and losses that affect their property and belongings.

  • Building and Contents Fire, Lightning, Acts of God, Riot and Strike Impact, Explosion of Gas in Domestic Appliances and Overflow of Water Tanks.
  • Burglary House Breaking and Theft.
  • Jewellery and Valuables - Any Accidental Loss/Damage
  • Plate Glass - Any Accidental Loss/Damage
  • Baggage - While Travelling - Any Accidental Loss/Damage
  • Domestic Appliances Any Accidental Loss/Damage Entirely Due to Electrical/Mechanical Breakdown.
  • TV / Audio System
  • Pedal Cycle
  • Personal Accident
  • Accidental Injury Causing Death/Disablement [Total/Partial]

Shopkeeper Insurance

Who can be insured?

Any small shopkeeper exposed to one or more of the mentioned contingencies.

Householder Insurance

Who can be insured?

Any householder exposed to any of the contingencies.