About Policy

The Policy covers loss of valuables and/or damage by burglary, housebreaking, theft following upon actual, forcible, and violent entry of and/or exit from the premises including hold-up risk and damage caused to premises.

What's covered?

  • Property such as stocks and furniture owned by the insured in the business premise is covered.
  • Damage to premises resulting from burglary, and/or housebreaking or any attempt at burglary is covered.
  • Cash, jewelry, valuables, and securities kept in a locked safe or cash box in a locked steel cupboard, if specifically covered under add-ons.

Categories of Burglary Insurance

Burglary insurance plans can be classified into three types, which are:

  • Full Value Insurance. A full value insurance plan provides the total value of the property insured.
  • First Loss Insurance.
  • Stock Declaration Insurance


This Policy is for those individuals or organizations who own valuable items or property exposed to the above-stated risks, for which a comprehensive insurance coverage is a must.


Why to buy Burglary and Housebreaking Risk Insurance?

Unfortunately, in today's life, crime rates have sharply increased. At every step, there is an exposure to risk - at factories, offices, warehouses, shops, etc. Occurrences like housebreaking, dacoity, robbery or burglary of contents at your office, warehouse, shop, or industry can bring about a huge financial loss to your business.

Although it is not possible to completely insulate your business from all such occurrences, you can still take necessary safeguards against them.