The policy seeks to indemnify the insured against his legal liability to pay compensation (including claimants' cost fees and expenses) in respect of injury damage or pollution for third parties for claims arising out of accidents due to any defects in the products specified in the policy during the period of the insurance and first made against the insured during the policy period.
To determine the indemnity granted:
- Injury shall mean death bodily injury illness or disease of or to any person
- Damage shall mean actual and/or physical damage to the atmosphere of any water land or other tangible property
- Pollution shall mean pollution or contamination of the atmosphere or any water land or other tangible property
- A product shall mean any tangible property after it has left the custody or control of the Insured which has been designed specified formulated manufactured constructed installed sold supplied distributed treated serviced altered or repaired on behalf of the Insured
- An accident shall mean a fortuitous event or circumstance which is sudden unexpected and unintentional including resultant continuous intermittent or repeated exposures arising out of the same fortuitous event or circumstances
What's covered?
- Protection against the unforeseen
- Protection against data breach
- Protection against injury claims
- Protection against employee or staff actions
Public liability Policy
This policy covers the claims made by the public that take place in association with a business undertakings.
Product Liability Policy
This policy covers any legal liabilities to a third party emerging out of damage or harm incurred from a product sold by a business. It covers illness, bodily injuries or accidental death to a third party and accidental damage to third party property.
Professional Indemnity Policy
It covers claims made by a business if a client sues them for injury, harm, death or financial loss due to the advice or services provided by the business.
Directors and Officer's Liability Policy
This policy covers the personal liability of Directors and Officers emerging owing to unfair deeds happening under their supervision.
Commercial General Liability Policy
This policy covers personal injuries like bodily injuries, and property damage caused by business processes, products, or injuries that ensue on the business premises.
Carrier Legal Liability Policy
This policy covers the insured against their legal liability for physical and actual damage to or loss of merchandise or goods directly caused by an accident and/or fire to the registered vehicle.
What are the features of liability insurance?
The policy covers all sums (including defence costs) that the insured becomes legally liable to pay as damages as a consequence of accidental death/bodily injury or disease to any third party. Accidental damage to property belonging to a third party.
What is the purpose of a liability insurance policy?
Liability insurance helps cover third-party claims of property damage or bodily injury. These policies don't provide coverage for the policyholder. For example, bodily injury liability coverage won't help cover your medical bills if you get hurt in a car accident that you caused.